A brief visit to Amsterdam

I was in Amsterdam for 3 days and 2 nights. My first impressions were quite interesting. The culture in Amsterdam is quite liberal and relaxed, but it is also regulated. This was my first stop in my RTW trip. As my first stop, it was a great place to be dropped in to Europe. It allowed me to get into the Euro mindset and figure out what the heck I was doing. Now I know when I get into a city I need to do the following: 1) goto tourist info building to find a city map, 2) physically find my sleeping accommodations, 3) set my bag down and go explore the city with my map.

Amsterdam is a very old city with much history and architecture. You can look at my pics on [flickr][2], I have left comments on most of them. I liked all the canals that the city is built around, quite unique. Overall, glad I went there but probably not the city for me. I did not fall in love with it.

[2]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jolexa/sets/72157631766422953/detail/

Jeremy Olexa

Random stuff that I write and make public to the interwebs. I am a tech enthusiast, so some posts are about tech/software. However, as of late, most will be about traveling. I hope you enjoy and find something useful.