Solaris 11 Where is /usr/ucblib? Quick tips to install 'ucb' package'
Well… I finally figured out that the ucb package isn’t installed on Solaris 11 by default (resource). Unfortunately, the Oracle docs are confusing to follow. Here is a cheatsheet for installing the ucb package on your shiny Solaris 11 install.
- Figure out the IPS installer, read man pages, get frustrated at lack of detail, run to Google.
- Find the package you want on, in this case compatibility/ucb
- Add the publisher link to your config, by the way, this link is not documented that I can find so I had to guess and check. A publisher is a package list of sorts, I guess.
# pkg set-publisher -G '*' -M '*' -g solaris
- Install the package,
# pkg install compatibility/ucb
# pkg install compatibility/ucb
Packages to install: 1
Create boot environment: No
Create backup boot environment: NoDOWNLOAD PKGS FILES XFER (MB)
Completed 1⁄1 80⁄80 0.4⁄0.4PHASE ACTIONS
Install Phase 166⁄166PHASE ITEMS
Package State Update Phase 1⁄1
Image State Update Phase 2⁄2
- Behold, that you now have the compatibility libs for software that may need to use them
Whew…now, you might wonder what is so hard about that. Well, traversing Oracle docs is the hard part.
Here are the docs that I had open in my browser, they may or may not help and I fully expect the links to break in the future because Oracle is good at that.