July 4th Weekend

Welcome to my inaugural blog post.

I am home today, relaxing, after an eventful weekend up north in [Twig, MN][1].

Perhaps the funnest thing was on July 4th morning when we went to a nearby town’s parade which highlighted a drunken clown band at the end. Quite interesting to say the least! (especially, when you have had quite a few drinks yourself before noon! A big “good job” goes out to Kel for buying drinks until we were both inebriated).

Then after we took a nap and woke up hungover, we went down to the Lake Superior shore and watched the city of Duluth’s fireworks show…pretty good.

[1]: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=twig,+mn&ie=UTF8&ll=46.832013,-92.275543&spn=0.622899,1.367798&z=10&iwloc=addr

Jeremy Olexa

Random stuff that I write and make public to the interwebs. I am a tech enthusiast, so some posts are about tech/software. However, as of late, most will be about traveling. I hope you enjoy and find something useful.